It is a well-worn adage to describe multi-faceted and intelligent people as having 'many strings to their bow'. For some, gaining a good knowledge of a variety of industries and areas comes fairly naturally, and they will tell anyone who asks that all is required is self-motivation, aspiration and hard work. One such man who has excelled in all the fields he has been involved in is Rick Kelo- a man who has built quite a name for himself in the world of tax recruitment. However, it is not only in his current career that Mr. Kelo has been a leading light.
Rick Kelo attended the prestigious West Point Academy and graduated with a degree in engineering. Following this he completed his MBA in finance at the illustrious University of Chicago. His academic interest in politics, economics and society never really left him after that, as his current Internet based pursuits reflect. Mr. Kelo runs and maintains a series of insightful blogs and websites, used as a platform to express his developed thoughts and political and economic commentary. He has gained a wide readership due to his ability to communicate complex historical subject matter and translate it to the modern world. From his writing it is clear he belongs to the schools of thought proliferated by great thinkers such as John Locke, Benjamin Franklin and Ludwig von Mises. In a classic liberal tradition, Rick Kelo warns of the dangers of over-stretched governmental powers, and the stifling effect it can have on our communities.
Being able to communicate complex ideas is a rare skill and the envy of many. Rick Kelo served an illustrious career in the US military, leading campaigns and missions of large platoons. Being a leader was always in his blood, and he was able to exercise his natural authoritative skills during his time in the military.
The leadership he has shown in the area of tax recruitment has also drawn the plaudits. No doubt stemming from his days as a successful military captain, Rick Kelo was able to translate his leadership abilities in developing one of the most innovative and respected tax recruitment services, TaxScout, in the market today. His involvement in the world of taxation and finance nicely echo his classic liberal notions, and the dangers of high taxes on damaging the overall economy. You can find out more about Rick Kelo here.