Thursday, June 30, 2016

Rick Kelo- Increasing Income Taxes are Dangerous for Our Economy

For many the words tax instantly induces groans and sighs. No one likes to pay taxes, but everyone recognizes that a certain amount is necessary to help oil and run a civilized community on a flowing infrastructure. However as taxes suspiciously seem to creep up every year, from social security and basic income tax to corporation and trading taxes, businesses and citizens alike are finally recognizing the detrimental impact such policies are having on our economies. Rick Kelo is one such classical liberal thinker who is an articulate voice in expressing these concerns, via his hugely popular blog and website. Educated at West Point and then followed with and MBA at the University of Chicago, Rick Kelo subscribes the economic views of the Austrian and Monetarist traditions, with great thinkers such as Ludwig von Mises and John Locke forming the backbone of his philosophy.

In this tradition, Rick Kelo expresses in his compelling articles the dangers higher taxes are having towards the American economy. To take such large cuts in the from of income tax from those who have worked s hard to earn it creates not only a smaller spending force among the public, but also an atmosphere of resentment and caution. People with less disposable income have less opportunity to spend and therefore pump money into the economy, leaving businesses and enterprises to the whims of government policy. Rick Kelo recognizes this as one of the great social injustices of out time. And he is not alone.

There is a growing movement of economists, academics, philosophers and politicians who are recognizing their responsibility to help proliferate these progressive ideas of reducing government taxes to boost the economy.

It has long been the ideology of classical liberal thinkers to reduce and limit the size of the government. For them, such as it is with Rick Kelo, a large government alludes to ideas of socialism, which is, as history has taught us, an oppressive and detrimental philosophy for pursuing economic prosperity. Rick Kelo and others in his school of thought have taken upon themselves to help spread these ideas, using their insightful articles and articulate manner to apply a historical focus on contemporary issues. For more visit Rick Kelo - Chicago, IL, Houston, Atlanta, Tax Recruiter

Monday, June 20, 2016

Rick Kelo - A Scholar of Taxation theory and Classical Liberal Thinker

 The internet has become one of the most important mouthpieces in our history that has given the public the opportunity to express their thoughts. It is often suggested that the internet is the most democratizing force of our lifetimes, if not ever, and has done more than the creation of of liberal political systems for opening up the world to wider debate. Millions of people everyday contribute content to the online world, allowing them to express their ideas to a wide range of people and try and make a difference in the world. Rick Kelo is one such man who has build a sterling reputation as being an important voice in criticizing and analyzing governmental economic policy. He takes time after his daily work as the head of tax recruitment for a reputable tax advisory service to engage with public debate on governmental issues online.
Based on his day to day work it is no surprise to hear that Rick Kelo is most interested in better understanding financial and economical theory. With ideas stemming from Ceteris Paribus- Economics from the Austrian and Monetarist movements, Rick Kelo's blogs and articles help articulate complicated yet fascinating economic theories of the past and and better understand them in a modern light. Rick Kelo follows in the footsteps of classical liberal thinkers who have inspired him such as Benjamin Franklin or Ludwig von Mises, and uses their ideas to critique modern government practices. Tax is an area of particular interest to Rick Kelo, and like his heroes before him is wary of governments who place to high a value on the importance of taxing people.
From the lens of a classical liberal thinker, taking high income and national tax from citizens takes money from the hands of those who worked hard to earn it, and puts it in danger of reckless government spending, which can be hugely damaging for an economy. Policies such as high taxation point dangerously in the direction of socialism and communism for Rick Kelo, which he sees as being a destructive political system, especially for the infringement of citizens' liberties. To find out more about the ideas of Rick Kelo go to his web page or blog linked here Rick Kelo on Tumblr.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Rick Kelo – Giving the Power Back to the People : The American Tax System

The tax system in the United States is one of the most important, complicated, and controversial topics lawmakers must address. And in the eyes of many, including tax recruiter and head of TaxScout, Inc., Rick Kelo, the system is broken. For years, Mr. Kelo has been expressing his distrust and disappointment with the government’s growing influence and infringement on the rights of its citizens. And in alignment with our nation’s second amendment, he has been utilizing his right to free speech to voice his concerns through various online platforms, such as his blog. 

According to liberal intellectuals like Mr. Kelo, a larger and more centralized government has had an increasingly negative impact on American economic and social systems, especially the tax system. By taking large amounts of funds from the peoples’ taxes and distributing them however they see fit, Mr. Kelo believes the government has overstepped on the individual liberties of the people. While there are many proposed solutions to reforming America’s tax system, one idea that seems surprisingly intuitive is to give taxpayers the power to decide how the government is allowed to spend their hard earned dollars. 

Though liberals and conservatives are divided on many issues and tax reform solutions, this is one idea that can satisfy both parties. Republicans oppose having their tax funds used for services they reject based on ethical and/or religious beliefs, such as abortion. In fact, defunding Planned Parenthood has been a huge point of contention for Republicans last year during budget negotiations. Democrats also contest having their tax dollars contribute to organizations that do not act in their interest, such as the NSA. Giving the people the power to decide how their money is spent is a fundamental part of the liberty the U.S. proclaims.

Giving taxpayers the power to distribute their own tax dollars could also have a huge impact on foreign policy. Recent polls indicate that most Americans do not have a positive outlook on the war on terrorism, especially since President Obama’s decision to increase U.S. intervention in Iraq and Syria. By requiring taxpayer approval to fund more troops on the ground, the people would be given a much greater say when it comes to presidential military decisions.

While the details concerning this potential solution would require a lot of time and attention, Mr. Kelo believes it could be part of the answer to our broken tax system; or at least be a way to quell the ongoing government shutdown threats that have become commonplace during budget negotiations.