Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Rick Kelo- Engaging the Electorate for a Prosperous Future

Anyone keeping an eye on the current political scenes in Europe and America will notice the growing advancement of populist politics. More than ever, politicians and leaders who to the educated, clearly have no real intellectual curiosity or desire for the greater good, are appealing to the masses. The 'anti-establishment' rhetoric is one that is sweeping through Western Democracies at a scary rate- with Donald Trump being the ultimate example of this populism manifesting itself. A key characteristic of this form of politics is to over-simplify very complex economic, political, and societal issues, into catchy sound bites that appease those without higher education backgrounds.

This is why for people like Rick Kelo, Education is a Priority. The problem we have in the modern age is that systems have become so complex that they have bored people into apathy. Some would argue this is underhanded political strategy- make the population disinterested and ensure them they'll deal with the complex issues. This is a dangerous precedent towards allowing totalitarian, authoritarian or dictatorship governments. The power ceded to the political powers, the more our freedoms will be hampered. This is particularly damaging to the potential of an economy to thrive, for classical liberal economists such as Rick Kelo.

This is why the internet has provided the perfect platform for educated individuals such as Rick Kelo to help proliferate ideas to the wider public. Rick Kelo has built a reputation as being an outspoken, important and concise commentator of modern government policies. He has the ability to highlight complex economic theory, and put it in simplified modern contexts. The aim of such writing is to better inform the electorate who have less of an education in economics. In doing so, people like Rick Kelo can help cultivate a smarter and more educated readership, and in the long run hopeful contribute to the end of populist politics.

This is why for Rick Kelo, Exposing The Fault lines of Our Economies through education and writing is the only way to ensure a bright economic future rooted in the civil liberties that the US holds so dear. To end populist politics, it is essential to engage the wider population with the important issues.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Richard Arthur Kelo - Keeping Ideas from the Past, Relevant for the Future

It is difficult to quite articulate the importance of understanding the history of a certain subject. Take economics for example. Many would say that in the modern age, many of the economic ideas of the past have become irrelevant in he age of the internet and digital technology, many see the ideas of classic economic thinkers as difficult to apply to modern times. However, those who have studied economics and history would testify to how important many of these ideas still are today. Rick Kelo, executive tax recruiter and classical liberal economic thinker uses his online presence to make this importance visible to the public eye, and has become reputed for his concise and comprehensible articles on politics and economics.

RickKelo's Quote Blog is a good example of how he has managed to proliferate his philosophies and ideas to a wider audience. During Rick Kelo's time as a student, he was exposed to the many ideas of the great Austrian and Monetarist traditions and schools of thoughts. Thinkers like Benjamin Franklin, John Locke and Ludwig von Mises formed the foundations for Rick Kelo's own ideas, as he sought to better understand the implications of contemporary government policies, and what effect they would have on economy and society in the US.

Richard Arthur Kelo is a prolific online contributor to the discussion of modern politics and economic theory. How website and blog has gained a wide readership, eager to hear insights from Rick as to his thoughts on the current political situation. A running trend in his writing is his ability to articulate complex economic theories and philosophies, and apply them to modern contexts. IN many of his writing, Rick Kelo discusses also the effect that certain governmental decisions will have on the future economy, and how they may encroach on people' civil an constitutional liberties.

For Richard Arthur Kelo, it is keeping the ideas of the great classical liberal economic thinkers alive that will better help shape a more prosperous future not only for the US, but all Western democracies. Applying these inspired ideas to the modern world is not only possible, but extremely important in being able to understand the links to the past, present and future. By proliferating this material, Rick Kelo hopes that he can help his readers become more reinforced to understand society, politics and economics. Find out more about him here at RickKelo on issuu.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Richard Arthur Kelo - Using Education for the Greater Good

One of the most cliched proverbs we hear in our time is that knowledge is power. There is a lot of legitimacy in this idea,  however there are two angles from which it can be approached. As we see in the world of Machiavellian politics, many abuse this notion. Collecting 'dirty' information on one's political opponents is a sure fire way to bury their reputation whilst advancing their own. Abuses of power based on the knowledge they retain is nothing new in modern society and indeed government and institutional organizations. However, there is a more positive aspect of this once great proverb. The internet has provided the perfect economy in which educated people, academics and thinkers can thrive, and use the knowledge they have to help inform and educate people  who operate in their communities.

Rick Kelo is one such man who sees this idea as fundamental to harnessing the power of the internet and using it for the greater good. Rick Kelo was educated at the prestigious military academy of WestPoint. Following this, he went on to graduate with an MBA from Chicago University in economics and finance. He has built a reputation as being one of the most skilled and experienced executive recruiters in the industry today, and currently plies his trade in tax advisory services. Outside of his work here, Rick Kelo has maintained his interest in the more theoretical side of global economics and politics. He has a growing online presence as a gifted rhetorician, and runs an insightful blog with compelling articles about modern politics and economics.

For Richard Arthur Kelo, people lucky enough to have received a good education like him are bound by duty to help serve the community in the best way they can. Using his education, Rick Kelo sees the internet as the perfect place to help disseminate ideas of some of the greatest minds in the history of mankind, and how they are relevant in the modern world. Rick Kelo has a gift for being able to make complicated subjects digestible and readable to those who maybe don;t have a background in the subjects. His contributions to the academic search engine are a good example of this. The academic question and answers forum relies on educated individuals like Rick Kelo to provide concise and understandable answers to the community in the areas of their specializations. It is the perfect example of people using education fro the greater good, rather than the bad. Find out more about the man here at Rick Kelo Official Account on LinkedIn.

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Rick Kelo - Putting Historical Ideas into Modern Contexts

 It is the duty of educated individuals such as Rick Kelo to use their learned knowledge to help proliferate important ideas to the wider community. The internet has provided the perfect platform from which people can do so, and has opened the great economic, political and social debates of our time up to the public sphere. However, being able to articulate and make digestible complex and important philosophical and social theories is no easy task. To do so requires a real skill in comprehension, empathy and language use. This is especially true when it comes to discussing economics. An infinitely complex field of thought, that is for many incomprehensible and therefore uninteresting. However, economics is far to important to simply be dismissed by those who don;t understand it, and therefore it is hugely important that people with a natural talent for explanation such as Rick Kelo use their skills effectively in disseminating important knowledge.

Richard arthur Kelo has been running and maintaining a hugely popular blog throughout his career as a reputable executive recruiter. Through his articles, Rick Kelo has demonstrated his ability to put important historical ideas of the classical liberal traditions into contemporary contexts. He belongs to the school of thought of the Austrian and Monetarist traditions, with his personal intellectual heroes being Ludwig von Mises and Benjamin Franklin. For Rick Kelo, it is vital that the ideas formulated by such men are developed and disseminated to a wider audience to show how they formed the backbone of what made America such a great country throughout history. Thinkers such as Rick Kelo following in this tradition, are increasingly cautious today of the socialist tendencies of modern governmental policies which are creeping into the system. In doing so, Rick Kelo believes that it is having a stifling effect on commerce and the economy, whilst also infringing on our civil liberties as constitutionally protected citizens. Policies such as high taxation, and a failed social security system are good examples of this, which Rick Kelo discusses with compelling insight. Rick Kelo's blog is highly accessible, and understandable to even the most laymen economists. He has a skill of putting complex historical ideas into contemporary contexts, and placing a critical eye on bad governmental practices. To find out more about him and his ideas visitRick Kelo - Chicago, IL, Houston, Atlanta, Tax Recruiter.