Friday, September 30, 2016

Richard Arthur Kelo - Helping Debunk Long Standing Economic Myths

When a government increases its power and hold on the lives of its citizens, in doing so it also propagates myths to go alongside the policies that it implements. In doing so, it helps them control the opinions of the people, and justify their actions, even though they might not be in their best interests. For this reason, we are increasingly reliant on educated individuals and intellectuals to help warn the population against such moves, and analyze government policy without the political bias. Rick Kelo is one such economic figure whose prolific online presence has made him one of the stars of the classical liberal schools of thought over the past few years. His outspoken criticism of the governments sway towards socialist politics
has struck a chord with many readers, and build his reputation sky high.

For Rick Kelo – Education is aPriority when helping people become more informed and to better understand the governments that lead them. We have become increasingly accepting of the fact that our leaders do and will lie for their own gain. For this reason, we turn to academics, educated classes and intellectuals to help give us well-informed information on contemporary and historical subjects.

What s noticeable when reading Rick Kelo's blog is just articulately he is able to dispel modern economic myths that many take for granted as being true. As a classical liberal thinker, Rick Kelo subscribes to the schools of thought such as those celebrated by Ludwig von Mises, which call for economic liberalism and free markets. In doing so from this perspective, economies can thrive and grow to make a better life fro the whole nation.

However, as governments turn towards more socialist state tendencies, it is clear that there is a damaging effect on the nation as a whole. Rick Kelo articulates interesting points on why this is, and how we need to better inform the public sphere to help them make better decisions. Showing the inadequacies of some government policy implementations is the best way to highlight how the public need to not take everything said by the state at face value, and better equip themselves to reveal the truths and the lies. For Rick Kelo, the internet offers the perfect platform from which he can do this, and has made him a hugely popular figure in the world of classical liberal economics at the same time. Find out more about him here at RickKelo – Exposing The Fault lines of Our Economies

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Rick Kelo- A Master of the Academic Questions Forum

The internet has proven to be a far more powerful tool than we ever imagined it could have been. It has changed the landscape of  nearly every industry it has touched, excluding very few from its sphere of influence. One of the most impressive feats it has managed to achieve is acting as a communicative platform allowing people to become more educated and informed about things than they ever have. Before the advent of the internet, we relied on academic learning institutions and the media for our sources of information. Now, anyone with an education or otherwise is able to take to the web to help proliferate important ideas across the globe

Rick Kelo on Quora,  and his online presence in general is a great example of this. Rick Kelo is a tax recruiter by trade, having graduated from the University of Chicago with an MBA in economics and finance. He would place himself and his ideas within the Austrian Monetarist Schools of Thought, making him a classical liberal economic thinker. Outside of his day job, he has built up a remarkable internet presence, with websites, blogs and community outreach forums. His concise and articulate manner have made him a popular writer, and he possesses a natural ability to help explain complex issues and questions in a comprehensive manner. His subjects range from politics and economics to society and culture, and he draws upon his breadth of experience and knowledge when discussing these pertinent issues. In many ways, the combination of the internet and great thinkers like Rick Kelo are what have made the world wide web such a brilliant platform for learning about complex issues.

Quora is the academic questions forum on which users ask questions on a variety of subjects from literature and cinema to economics and trades-crafts. The users pose questions with a view to them being answered by one of the experts users in the subject areas relating to this forum. Rick Kelo, naturally specializing in economics, has proven himself to be a valuable member in the sub-branch of this community. He has answered questions on the global economic crash and also on progressive income tax rates among other things. His contribution here is a great example of how the internet has opened up the world to more information, and allowed people the chance to tackle some of the most pressing issues of our day. To find out more about Rick Kelo - A Leader on Level, visit his blog here.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Rick Kelo – The Importance of Being an Informed Citizen

The economy is something that affects every American citizen, and yet the average person has no idea how the economy actually works. This is one reason why Richard Arthur Kelo of TaxScout Inc. has made it his mission to help the American public understand how the economy works, in addition to realizing the reasons behind why it is important to understand this influential system in the first place. To Kelo, an informed and educated public is the greatest weapon against the system, which is inherently designed to take advantage of those who fail to stay ahead of the game. 

The need to understand the economy was probably stated best by George Stigler, a Nobel Laureate in economics, several decades ago when he wrote: “The public has chosen to speak and vote on economic problems, so the only open question is how intelligently it speaks and votes.” For Stigler, economic literacy was important because it acted as a means of communication amongst people, using basic vocabulary and logic that is so frequently encountered that it should be possessed by everyone. It is also a “type of knowledge frequently needed, and yet not susceptible to economical purchase from experts.” In other words, economics is integral enough in everyone’s life that economic experts shouldn’t be the only ones who understand how it works. 

As an outspoken blogger questioning the modern age, Rick Kelo uses the internet as a platform where he can communicate with the public about issues that are important to him, such as the economy. In one of his many online presentations, Kelo outlines the economy as the main driving force of our society, despite the fact that words such as growth and decline, elasticity, competition, consumer, inflation, and interest are more or less gibberish to the average person. Kelo, who has a BS in economics and leadership from the United States Military Academy at West Point, as well as an MBA in finance from the University of Illinois at Chicago, has spent much of his career learning how to resolve this issue. 

By starting his company TaxScout, a specialty-recruiting firm that exclusively works in the field of corporate taxation, Kelo has demonstrated his commitment to developing economic services that can be trusted. TaxScout serves as the eyes and ears in the job market, as well as your company’s first face to the tax profession when it’s time to hire. Between his blog and his business, Rick Kelo is redefining the way that the average person understands the economy.