The state of nature is scarcity. If any of us wandered off into the woods it would only take a few hours until our stomachs started complaining about the absence of our fellow man. That's because we rely on doing the work we're the most productive at for a wage, then trading for things we produce less efficiently than specialists in other areas. For most of us that includes buying food from experts at food production.
In the 20th century we saw numerous mass starvations that killed well into the tens of millions. Many people haven't stopped to consider though that they all occurred in socialist countries. The two most notable were in China & the USSR. However, India also suffered chronic famines through much of the last century while it was socialist. Somalia the same.
Where did starvation go extinct? In the freest market, most capitalistic countries first. The US and the other liberal western countries with relatively free markets & relatively free trade.
Capitalism has lifted more people out of poverty than any force in all of human history.
Rick Kelo, a father, a pacifist and an entrepeneur |
Rick Kelo, an advocate of peaceful cooperation, has noticed this trend. In countries where force is the central value in organizing society, like in all Socialist countries, the forces of supply and demand stop signaling how much food should be produced. But,
as Rick Kelo also points out, in countries where the State doesn't obstruct people trading peacefully & voluntarily with one another society is able to pool the total knowledge of every single consumer, through prices, to signal how much of each thing should be produced.