When Hugo Chavez re-wrote the Venezuelan Constitution he called for a Socialist society made up of worker-owned cooperatives. As Venezuelan Socialism collapses all around us
Rick Kelo feels this is an important point to drive home. Especially because American Socialists like Bernie Sanders often try to disguise their agenda by claiming they merely favor an economy of worker co-ops. If we tasked them with writing a socialist constitution it would come out exactly like Venezuela:
Article 118:The right of workers and the community to develop associations of social and participative nature such as cooperatives, savings funds, mutual funds and other forms of association is recognized. These associations may develop any kind of economic activities in accordance with the law. The law shall recognize the specificity of these organizations, especially those relating the cooperative, the associated work and the generation of collective benefits.
The state shall promote and protect these associations destined to improve the popular economic alternative.
Article 308:
The State shall protect and promote small and medium-sized manufacturers, cooperatives, savings funds, family-owned businesses, small businesses and any other form of community association for purposes of work, savings and consumption under an arrangement of collective ownership, to strengthen the country's economic development, based on the initiative of the people
Rick Kelo points out the deception of Socialists,"Co-ops already exist freely in capitalist economies. You can see farming, banking and other types of co-ops in most towns around America. So the claim we need Socialism in order to get co-ops is ridiculous on it's face."
Rick Kelo - West Point grad and Tax Recruiter |
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