Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Richard Arthur Kelo - Keeping Ideas from the Past, Relevant for the Future

It is difficult to quite articulate the importance of understanding the history of a certain subject. Take economics for example. Many would say that in the modern age, many of the economic ideas of the past have become irrelevant in he age of the internet and digital technology, many see the ideas of classic economic thinkers as difficult to apply to modern times. However, those who have studied economics and history would testify to how important many of these ideas still are today. Rick Kelo, executive tax recruiter and classical liberal economic thinker uses his online presence to make this importance visible to the public eye, and has become reputed for his concise and comprehensible articles on politics and economics.

RickKelo's Quote Blog is a good example of how he has managed to proliferate his philosophies and ideas to a wider audience. During Rick Kelo's time as a student, he was exposed to the many ideas of the great Austrian and Monetarist traditions and schools of thoughts. Thinkers like Benjamin Franklin, John Locke and Ludwig von Mises formed the foundations for Rick Kelo's own ideas, as he sought to better understand the implications of contemporary government policies, and what effect they would have on economy and society in the US.

Richard Arthur Kelo is a prolific online contributor to the discussion of modern politics and economic theory. How website and blog has gained a wide readership, eager to hear insights from Rick as to his thoughts on the current political situation. A running trend in his writing is his ability to articulate complex economic theories and philosophies, and apply them to modern contexts. IN many of his writing, Rick Kelo discusses also the effect that certain governmental decisions will have on the future economy, and how they may encroach on people' civil an constitutional liberties.

For Richard Arthur Kelo, it is keeping the ideas of the great classical liberal economic thinkers alive that will better help shape a more prosperous future not only for the US, but all Western democracies. Applying these inspired ideas to the modern world is not only possible, but extremely important in being able to understand the links to the past, present and future. By proliferating this material, Rick Kelo hopes that he can help his readers become more reinforced to understand society, politics and economics. Find out more about him here at RickKelo on issuu.

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