Thursday, July 7, 2016

Rick Kelo - Putting Historical Ideas into Modern Contexts

 It is the duty of educated individuals such as Rick Kelo to use their learned knowledge to help proliferate important ideas to the wider community. The internet has provided the perfect platform from which people can do so, and has opened the great economic, political and social debates of our time up to the public sphere. However, being able to articulate and make digestible complex and important philosophical and social theories is no easy task. To do so requires a real skill in comprehension, empathy and language use. This is especially true when it comes to discussing economics. An infinitely complex field of thought, that is for many incomprehensible and therefore uninteresting. However, economics is far to important to simply be dismissed by those who don;t understand it, and therefore it is hugely important that people with a natural talent for explanation such as Rick Kelo use their skills effectively in disseminating important knowledge.

Richard arthur Kelo has been running and maintaining a hugely popular blog throughout his career as a reputable executive recruiter. Through his articles, Rick Kelo has demonstrated his ability to put important historical ideas of the classical liberal traditions into contemporary contexts. He belongs to the school of thought of the Austrian and Monetarist traditions, with his personal intellectual heroes being Ludwig von Mises and Benjamin Franklin. For Rick Kelo, it is vital that the ideas formulated by such men are developed and disseminated to a wider audience to show how they formed the backbone of what made America such a great country throughout history. Thinkers such as Rick Kelo following in this tradition, are increasingly cautious today of the socialist tendencies of modern governmental policies which are creeping into the system. In doing so, Rick Kelo believes that it is having a stifling effect on commerce and the economy, whilst also infringing on our civil liberties as constitutionally protected citizens. Policies such as high taxation, and a failed social security system are good examples of this, which Rick Kelo discusses with compelling insight. Rick Kelo's blog is highly accessible, and understandable to even the most laymen economists. He has a skill of putting complex historical ideas into contemporary contexts, and placing a critical eye on bad governmental practices. To find out more about him and his ideas visitRick Kelo - Chicago, IL, Houston, Atlanta, Tax Recruiter.

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